In a light-hearted incident, Rohit Sharma was seen waiting in the bus to get his passport back. Team India was departing for the Airport the previous night after winning its 8th Asia Cup title, when Indian cricket captain Rohit Sharma had the bus waiting after he remembered that he had forgotten his passport in the hotel room.
The video of Rohit waiting for his passport surfaced online on Twitter and went viral within seconds which got the netizens giggling. His teammates were also seen poking fun at him for his seemingly forgetful nature. Presumably, he had asked a hotel staff to get him his passport after he had already boarded the bus. One of India’s top order batsman Rohit Sharma’s hilarious habit of forgetting things didn’t come as a surprise to Indian fans as he displayed the same habit before in 2017.
Virat’s say on Rohit forgetting things
Back in 2017, former Indian captain Virat Kohli was asked about the most ‘forgetful’ cricketers during an interview on the ‘Breakfast with Champions’ show. Without any hesitation, Kohli said that it was current Indian Skipper Rohit Sharma.
He elaborated on one of the incidents in which Rohit even forgot his ipad. He drew light on that incident and said “The number of things Rohit Sharma forgets; I have never seen anyone else so forgetful. Ipad, wallet, phone, not the small things but daily use essentials. I don’t care, I will get a new one, he has no idea he’s left something, the bus would have travelled halfway to the hotel and then he remembers ‘Oh, I left my ipad on the plane.”
Rohit Sharma on India’s performance against Sri Lanka
However amidst the chuckles, the Indian captain had remembered to appreciate the exceptional performance of team India. With pacer Mohammed Siraj getting Sri Lanka folded at 50, Rohit lauded and praised him for his dominant 6 wicket haul.
Rohit added that such a performance will be cherished for a long time. He credited Siraj for his skillful display of performance and said that he’s surely coming off age.
Meanwhile, Rohit Sharma becomes the third captain after Azhar and MS Dhoni to win the Asia Cup under their captainship for more than once. He earlier led India to victory in 2018.