Disappointing news for Mumbai Indians and ICT fans as BCCI has confirmed that Jasprit Bumrah will not take part in the IPL. Cricadium has learned that Bumrah may have to undergo back surgery, which will put him out of action for all of IPL. He may not be able to participate in the World Test Championship Finale, starting June 7th at the Oval, provided that India qualifies.
The Indian pace star has been out of action since August last year. However, he has made a few attempts to make a comeback, but has not been able to. He was named in India’s squad for the T20 World Cup but did not travel with the team to Australia because of a stress injury in his back.
After resuming his rehabilitation in November, Jasprit Bumrah began bowling again in mid-December. His recovery appeared to be progressing well, prompting the selectors to include him in the white-ball series against Sri Lanka, albeit more than a week after the original Indian squad had been announced. Nonetheless, the Indian star missed the series again, owing to complaints of discomfort.
He was once again all set to make his comeback during the Border-Gavaskar Trophy but early scans in January revealed that a new niggle had developed in his already existing injury, which heightened BCCI’s worry pertaining to the pacer’s condition.
The medical team of the BCCI at the National Cricket Academy (NCA) in Bengaluru is addressing Bumrah’s condition as a matter of urgency. It has been revealed that due to persistent discomfort in his lower back, which first appeared as a stress reaction last August, the medical staff recommended the surgical option to him.
Even though Bumrah was constantly performing match drills at the NCA, he was not feeling fully comfortable while running in with his action. BCCI would want Bumrah to be fully fit before the World Cup starts. The Indian bowling attack, though strong on its own, does rely heavily on Bumrah if the Indian Cricket Team has to bring the World Cup Title home. Thus, BCCI looks in no mood to rush him back into the ground, and would only let him come back when the pacer is 100% fit.
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